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Monday 3 June 2024

The Climate Change


In the fields where once the green did grow,

Now barren, scorched, with dust winds blow,

The rivers shrunk, their waters thin,

The earth cries out, a silent din.

The ice that crowned the mountains high,

Now drips away beneath the sky,

And oceans rise and coasts retreat,

As heart's relentless fierce heartbeat.

The forests thick, where wild things roam,

Now spark and blaze, and lose their home,

With smoke that chokes the azure blue,

A world transformed and we, too.

The creatures small, the mighty great,

All share this fragile fleeting fate,

As balance tips, and tempests roar,

Nature's wrath we can't ignore.

Yet in our hands, a power lies,

To heal the earth beneath these skies,

With choices made, with steps we take,

A future bright, anew we make.

So let us turn, with hearts aligned,

To mend the world for all mankind,

For in this fight, our spirits bound,

A greener better world be found.

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