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Monday 3 June 2024

Climate Change Issues


A  world once lush, now feels the strain,

Of human touch and endless gain,

The forests falls, the deserts creep,

The price we pay is far from cheap.

In skies once clear, the smoke unfurls,

A grim reminder to all the worlds,

The polar caps, they slowly weep,

Their frozen dreams, the sun does steep.

The oceans warm, their levels rise,

Encroaching shores before our eyes,

The coral reefs, with colours fade, 

In silent depths, their graves are laid.

The creatures from changing lands,

Their futures held in fragile hands,

Extinction's call, a whispered dread,

a habitats turn cold and dead.

The storms that rage with fiercer might,

The droughts that parch, the floods that blight,

These signs of change we can't ignore,

A planet pushed beyond its core.

Yet in this dark, a light can grow,

Through actions kind, and wisdom's glow,

If we unite, if we engage, 

we can rewrite this sorrowed page.

For every tree, for every stream,

For every child's hopeful dream, 

Let us rise to meet this crucial call, 

A fight for Earth, for one and all.

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