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Tuesday 3 January 2017

Let us go with the Cosmic Speed


Life is a mystery. And every one is in the pursuit of finding the secrets about it. And we are in a hurry to explore those secrets. Are we able to know those secrets by speeding up? May be not! It took millions of years to reach up to the stage where we are now. And at this stage we become slightly arrogant and claim to know more of it. But in reality, we are far away from the truth.  We only have a few sparks of those truths. And we achieved those truths either accidentally or by being persistent with patience in the course of time. It was not just offered to anyone while in the speed of conquering the truth. It had been a process. A long waiting and a very slow process.

When we travel to the space we think we are fast. But compared to the cosmic speed we are standing still, may be even in a negative speed. Human speed is optical. But the cosmic speed is not optical, you can only just feel, you can only just know. And that is a truth, a truth faster than your intellectual analytical understanding. 

The Sun, the Moon, and all the planets and galaxies are on the move, and their movements are not optical. You can look at them, you don’t see them moving just like that. But you know that they are moving. They are not in the same place always. But they are moving and in an enormous speed beyond human understanding. That is the cosmic speed.

Every object in the universe is placed in the right rhythm and speed to fulfill the binding force of togetherness in the universe. They all move in their respective speeds and that create the universal energy, the supreme binding force. And we as human beings are trying to establish a new speed to that rhythmic cosmic speed.  And our mechanized speed is not in line with the speed of the cosmos. Ours is a pure mechanical speed, a speed that is extracted from the inventions in the course of time. It is not natural.

Human beings have to slow down and go with the flow of the natural speed of the universe. The more you are tuned to the natural speed the more you are relaxed. The more you break the tempo of this natural speed, the more your life become restless.   You can’t make the Sun rise earlier than it should or set it later than it would. Then why would you struggle unnecessarily more than what you are designed to be for your own life. Human beings’ desire to be fast is in their head. The human body has its own natural speed and tempo. Sometimes we break down that tempo by unnatural eating habits or by over taxing our body by unsuitable working conditions. 

Sometimes we forget that we don’t even have enough life savers when extreme circumstance occurs.  And we sink into the depths of uncertainty.  The chance of flotation is possible only if you have the skills to be above the danger zone and to breathe the life energy. There, speed and struggle won’t help much, but rather that will only increase the panic. 

But if you have the skills to float along with the speed of the universe calmly, there is a higher rate of survival.   The more you slow down the longer you could float, otherwise you will be exhausted shortly and begin to loose the strength. Slow and steady breathing and calm flotation towards the shore will bring you to a second life. 


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