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Friday 16 December 2016


It is time to be out of religions

World Religions      


This chart was available in the Wikipedia to show the division of the population of the world according to their beliefs at the time of uploading this blog. Percentages may be changing day by day. 

What is the meaning of this chart? Does it mean that you are happy because you are part of such and such religions, or does it guarantee that you have a golden seat reserved in heaven after your death? 

No. It just means that you are not free. You don’t have the freedom to live a peaceful life here on earth without being part of any of these religions.  

1. Peace exists when there is proper freedom and freedom exists when there are no strings attached to it. If you think that your dog need to be chained in order to keep it in control or to keep other people safe from your animal, then it is okay to have a small string attached to the dog. But for our general understanding nobody put a 50kg chain on a 10kg sweet dog!  

A large part of the humanity is experiencing this situation at this moment. A heavy load of strings by various religions are put on soft, caring, loving, kind and compassionate human beings. And asking them to move on with their life. And if they succeed, at the end, they will get a cookie, a cookie of imaginary eternal life! Is your life worth only for a cookie? Then you are making a huge mistake or you are having a slavish mentality and you are happy with it.

There are 31.5% of the world population believe in Christianity and 23.3% believe in Islam. And a big group of world population believes in various other religions. What is in these percentages? Does it mean anything to anyone? Does it make any god more powerful than the other to save the entire humanity? No. Do you think that you can make any change in the modern world if you believe in any of these religions? In reality not. In the modern world religion is just a brain washed business model that successfully run with an age-old documentation, tradition and rituals which require no updates because of the uncertainty of the life after death.

2. Human gene is evolved to a certain stage that it looks for survival, pleasure and happiness. Therefore, it will cling on to anything that promises an afterlife with never ending pleasure and happiness! In reality, afterlife is a byproduct of survival, even to survive after the death. There is no love, care, kindness and compassion in life after death.  If it exists, it is not because you believed in any religion, but because of your ability you achieved by living a good life, caring for others, with love, kindness and compassion. No religion can claim it as their merit if a person if good. The care, love, kindness and compassion that religions preach is always attached with a string to a god that is external. It is time to break those strings to find the true who you are. 

Find the goodness within you, find the god within you, find the divine within you. And when every human being is able to achieve that, the result is peace.  And peace can never come into existence unless and until the religions cease to exist.  No religion is capable of practicing their belief in this world without the promise of an afterlife. Because afterlife itself is an unrealized imagination of brainwashed religions. That is the reason they are incapable of bringing peace into the real world. 

3. No religion will be able to send people into the space and to different planets with their beliefs. It will happen only by the advancement of science and technology. So it is a waste of energy and money if you want to preserve religion and protect its gods in this modern world because you are promised an eternal life.
If the science can prove and convince what is there after the death of a person, people will start believing in it. And the religions will cease to exist. Unfortunately, religions jumped into execute that business of making people believe in uncertainties, from a very early stage of human development, it will take time to think differently. And when science take over that task with proofs and evidences the belief systems will have no prevalence. And science is slowly taking its roots. 

There was a time when all the natural calamities are considered to be a curse from gods of different religions. But in the modern world, when people get to know more about the nature, universe and its functioning they start to understand that it is not a curse from god but rather it is part of the universal happenings. There is no god that sits in the sky and throw meteorites to the earth to destroy earth and the living beings in it. It is the universal motion that makes it happen. And we already know a little bit how all these things are happening in the universe. We just needed to know more about this universal motion that causes all these things to happen in the course of time. 

We will be faster in thinking and doing better to know more about the universe if only we get out of the brainwashed religious teachings. Take religions as a hobby, just like going for a walk for exercise, or take it as a reading material, just like a novel that gives you some pleasure and relaxation. Don’t take it as part of your life!

4. Let us think out of the box. According to the above chart 68.5% (100-31.5=68.5) of the world population is not believing in Christianity and they are not following any rituals of Christianity. In the same way 76.8% (100-23.2=76.8) of the world population are non-believers in the eyes of Islam. And 85% (100-15=85) of the world population simply don’t have anything to do with Hinduism. If that is the case with these three major religions in the world what about all the other religions? That is pointing towards the fact that from the view of any religions, major part of the world population are non-believers and they still live and die just like any of the believers, may be in a better state of mind.  

If we talk about belief, even the major religions are a minority compared to the world population and they are a failure. That is to say, if you are a believer in Christianity and you think Christian religion is everything for your life, 68.5% of the world population has nothing to do with Christianity and still their life is just as normal as others and they also die just like any other human person. And there are thousands of people in that 68.5% world population who are creative people, artists, singers, writers, scientists etc. And they just believe in their innate talents. And there are 16.3% of the world population that don’t believe in any religion and still they live and die without having any real troubles in their life, other than the troubles created by believers of other religions. There are also religions with a few thousand members in it. And they just ignore all the other major religions and still their life is fine and they also die just as any other human beings here on earth.

5. So my question is: then what is the use of having all these religions that fight for their beliefs and create chaos in the world. And what is the use of creating this chaos for the people who live here peacefully. The trouble makers live in this world and die after a while, in reality they achieved nothing, and none of them returned to life after their death to tell us that what they fought for was worth. Belief is like an atomic chain reaction, it goes on exploding, leaving so much of damage. But the effect gets less and less in the course of time. But when the goodness of humanity saw the damage of atomic reactions, made a decision not to use it anymore for destruction. And that was for the good of the humanity.  Unfortunately, that didn’t happen with religions.  

The same kind of atomic reactions are happening with many religions even today in this advanced and developed society. Brainwashed people brainwashes others and it still continues to spread and create more and more damages to the humanity. But as we see, the effect is getting less and less, but the damage it created will continue for a while. And the victims of those damages will survive in the world for a short while. But it is not going to be that long that we see a new light in the world. 

The humanity of goodness that will emerge from the ruins of these damages. The goodness of humanity is getting fed up with all religions. A good person remains good, and in every person, there is some goodness. It is time to cherish that basic goodness of each and every person and create a world full with people of goodness.
Let the people live by themselves with a nice and beautiful social system with love and care for each other which is the basis of human life. 

So why not we make a change in the world by thinking out of the box of belief systems based on religions. All the religions in the world failed one way or other to spread the love, kindness and compassion. It is time to get out of this box of belief systems and trust in goodness of the humanity. The “goodness” is innate to the genes of every living organism with the exception of human beings having much more, because, as we understand, they are “intelligently good”.

In short, I would say, it is time to get out of the darkness of religions and find light in yourself. It is time to get out of the untruth of the religions to the truth of yourself. It is time to get out of the dead beliefs of religions and to see the beauty of your own life and the people around.

Joemon Thekkaekurikattukunnal

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