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Monday 5 March 2018

10 Disadvantages of volunteer works

10  Disadvantages of volunteer works

1)    Exploitation of the goodwill of the volunteers

Many employers exploit the goodwill of the volunteers. “Work is done and the money is saved” become the slogan of the employers and the companies. The money that is supposed to be used for the well-being of the people is accumulated into the fund of the organizations and its owners. For example, volunteers in the hospitals or in the municipalities. All those works that are done by the volunteers are supposed to be done by paid workers.  If volunteers don’t do it, they are forced to pay someone to do that work. 
But at this moment more and more volunteer work is being promoted not because it has any special value adding to the organizations but rather that saved money can be used to add to the increment of the salary of the paid workers, especially the top directors of the organizations.  Just imagine if someone proposes that each time a new volunteer is added to an organization the salary of the paid workers decreases and that money will be used for the development of the society. I don’t believe even remotely such a proposal will be accepted by the paid workers of any organization.  And there you can see the real motif behind the promotion of the volunteer work!

Work is done, workers go empty handed and the fund is safe is the basic idea behind the volunteer work.  I am not against volunteer work. If a new project is starting up with no financial support and needed a lot of human power, of course, it is good to support and help that organization. That volunteer work has a value and has the right purpose and motif.  But in many cases what we experience in our day to day life is just the contrary. Well established organizations still make an option for volunteer jobs. I would support for volunteer work if the paid workers receive a little less salary and that sum is used to pay to the volunteers. That is not a general possibility. And it is not going to happen in the near future. And paid workers wouldn’t want to take that risk.

There are organizations with buckets full of money and have no idea what to do with it and they still promote volunteers to work for them. They always have the fear that the fund will be over in a short period of time if they start paying for all the work.  But they also forget how they accumulated all these wealth! It is all from the exploitation which is labeled as profit. Or the exploitation of the goodwill of the free work offered by the people over a period of time.

 2)    Killing of Earning job opportunities

By creating or promoting more and more volunteer works, the real earning job opportunities in the society are being diminished or killed. Many people really wanted to do something to earn something for their livelihood, but unfortunately all those small jobs are done by the volunteers forcibly or by fate.  Except a few highly skilled professional jobs, all the other works can be done by any person with a bit of training. But unfortunately, all those works are being done one way or other by manipulatively created volunteer workers. Who benefits from this, just the organization? Yes, of course.

3)    Volunteer workers becomes the slaves of the organization

We hear from people who were doing volunteer works for years for certain organizations and finally treated like slaves and stop their volunteer work and be sad. And in the long run volunteers are sometimes destined to be part of that organization for nothing other than creating extra profit for the organization which were supposed to be used for the purpose of completing those tasks.  This will create a jobless generation and more and more depressed and disoriented people. Volunteer workers are looked down by the organizations and paid workers. They are even considered as “jobless people” doing something to fill up their boredom of life.

4)    Dehumanization of quality persons

Another disadvantage of the volunteer works is that the person who does the volunteer work will be dehumanized. There are cases where very highly professional and qualified persons destined to be a volunteer worker in certain circumstances. And the society looks at the person who does volunteer works as someone below standard. No one will look at the background of the person who does the volunteer work. The person might have had a very high profile job in the past or very wealthy and reputed person. But in unfortunate circumstances he ended up in volunteer work. And thus, a once quality person is dehumanized into a worthless volunteer worker.

5)    Unethical distribution of the salary

To receive a remuneration for the job done is the right of every individual. Whether the person sitting in the office or outside in the field has that same right. But the modern society created all white colour jobs as something high and should be paid high and all other manual jobs as something low and should be paid less. But most of the time the low paid jobs are real hard works. Others are just intellectual gymnastics. They are just paid for their smartness and not for the energy and time they spent. If there is a system that distributes the wage according to the spending of one’s energy and strength, most the people sitting in the offices may not earn much. In the normal earning jobs this is the situation. Then you can imagine how unethical the way volunteer workers are treated.

6)    The earning rich people become richer and the jobless poor continue to be poor
The money makers are already in the track of earning more and more and they become richer and richer if nothing goes wrong. And the poor and jobless people are placed in a situation of autopiloting where they earn very limited and they are forced to spent it to the maximum and continue to live in the same destiny. They are in the set mode. They can’t make any changes, because it will cause accidents. This is in reality an inevitable situation. This cannot be undone. Because the rich wouldn’t want to take up the responsibility of piloting and want to enjoy the flight and rest. And the poor has no access to change its autopiloting mode other than comply with its rule and follow the direction.

7)    Disparity between the rich and the poor increases gradually in the society

If this is continued for a long term we will face an explosion of jobless people in the society with an increase in the number of volunteers who wish to do something than lazing at home. As a result, more and more is done for free and the organizations get richer and the volunteer workers will run out of their finance and end up in poverty because they spent their earning time for free service. No young people should be encouraged for doing volunteer works unless and otherwise they are financially stable and need no money for their life. All billionaires and millionaires are encouraged to do volunteer works, because they don’t need any extra income for their normal life.

8)    Big companies earn more through unjust ways

When there is a possibility of acquiring volunteer workers by the companies, all the job searching people for a living is out from the question. Because which employer would hire a paid worker if they can manage to get that work done by a volunteer who is willing to do that work in a desperate situation. Or employers conveniently convince the people that it is wonderful to do some volunteer works without receiving any payment.  This is ethically unjust. There are hundreds of people who are wanting to do some jobs to make a living.  But in a profit oriented society the rich will have always the upper hand and the power to manipulate and exploit the situation to make more profit.

9)    The commitment of the volunteers diminishes in the long term

Although, some companies or organizations or institutions promote volunteers with right motif and the volunteers start to work with them with a right motif. But in the course of time they become the slave workers of that organization or institution. The salaried workers will have always an upper hand on everything and they will always look down the volunteer workers as someone nothing other than just work machines who accomplishes the tasks entrusted without being paid. This will create lack of commitment in the volunteer work but at the same volunteers will be forced to continue in that position since they have started to do it for a good cause or being convinced it as something great by the authorities.

Volunteer work can be appreciated if only someone besides having a paid job someone decides to support an organization which is short of funding to pay for all their necessary works or short of personnel.

10)                        The increase of more unhappy people in the society

The happiness of the people depends on the freedom and the access they have in the society and in their life. Many of the volunteer workers are destined to be in that position. It may not be always from their goodwill. Or they are the people who want to do something good for the society. But when the opportunities are not coming on their way they just choose to do anything that comes on their way.  It may make them happy at the moment when they take it.  That is just because they can do something other than sitting at home doing nothing. But in the long run they realize, that was not what they wanted, and that is not what make them happy. So gradually unhappiness will creep into their lives. And when more and more people pushed into this state, the society will be filled with a huge number of unhappy people which in turn create a society which is just mechanical and not lively. 

So it is high time to rethink about engaging more people into volunteer works!!!

Joemon Thekkaekurikattukunnal


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