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Monday 6 March 2017

Gods of religions never existed

Gods of religions never existed

I am not an atheist.  That doesn’t mean that I should have to believe in the gods of theists. When we say that God created the world what does it mean? Is it the physical form of the universe as we see it today?  It can never be true. Because the universe has changed a lot through the evolution of millions of years ever since it began through reformation of energy.  Or did God created one big globe in the beginning and with the big bang that big globe broke into different pieces, and we have all this universe? It is not so, because every planet has its unique own character which depend on its energy fields.  Or God was a compressed energy, exploded and all the universe came into existence? So, they are all confusions. So what you can do? Just believe in anyone who says that it is written in that book or this book! And to believe in such stories that you heard from the books and not believing in the scientific proofs, you should be stupid, and your brain is not properly functioning! But whatever, there is a universal energy existing and we are exploring it gradually.

Religions and their gods may disappear, as human beings find the presence of this universal energy and the ways to connect to it individually and become part of it. You and I will pass away before we have that knowledge. That doesn’t mean that it is not there or we are not going to achieve it. Surely, we will. In the process of developing it we got into the clutches of religions and gods and that process were shunted in the past. But now it is emerging again. And the changes will be faster if we let it happen. Leave your age old religious patterns of thoughts and link to the new informations available in the fields around you. You will see the change happening.

Who is the author of all those stories of creations of the world as a property of  gods of various religions? It is always attributed to a human being or to a group of people. And that is attributed to someone beyond the history, whose existence cannot be proved by our advancement or present scientific knowledge. But in the near future it will happen. That when and where in the time, the idea of god came into existence in the human brain. And you will know that it was just an idea that emerged into the minds of someone in the past and then people just followed that stream of thoughts and updated it with new stories as the world evolved. They added new attachments to the original story and it is still developing. When someone who couldn’t comprehend how this world came into existence, had this crazy idea in the mind that the world was created by someone unique, outside of his understanding, and in order to have credibility, they attributed it to a supreme being which is in the present understanding, that is, the gods of different religions. But in reality, none of those gods of religions have anything to do with the creation of the universe.

If you believe in the universal energy that contributed to the creation of the world it can be better believed and understood in the present situation. And more scientific evidences are found to prove it. But unfortunately, religions already personified that universal energy and started giving it different forms and attributes to show “him or her” as the supreme power that caused the creation of the universe. And thus, the gods of religions are limited within the imagination of human beings. And when one is stuck with the possibility of attributes, makes the choice to say that god is beyond all these things. And finally, they end up in the same concept of universal energy. But human knowledge is still limited to express fully the idea of universal energy fields.  And none of the religions will accept the fact that their ‘so called god’ is limited to their imaginations and the power of their god is up to what they believe in.
Just for example, look at the human misery. Where is the power of gods? Those who believe in the gods of religions will say, it is the will of god and they wash their hands off. That is a clear limitation of the deity in whom they believe in.

Half of the human misery can be eliminated in a moment, if the religions and the gods of religions are out of the scenes and people start caring for each other with kindness and compassion. You don’t even need to have the aspect of love involved in it. Love will exist as the result of kindness and compassion that is expressed through caring for each other. When you care for each other you start sharing what you have. And thus, you bring peace and happiness to the world. And that is the basic need of humanity. And when that is existing in the humanity, there is no need for the gods of religions. When there are no gods, there are no religions.

Gods of religions exist because people believe in it, and if they don’t believe there exist no god. But still there is universal energy. Believers may counter argue that it is just a belief that there is universal energy. But unfortunately, universal energy you can feel, just like a magnetic field, but not god. Magnetic field is invisible to human eyes but still you can feel. You don’t have to believe in it. But god, you can’t feel, you just have to believe. And your belief you make it as a feel which is not a reality. So, what is better? To believe in something that you can feel or to believe in something that you just have to believe!

The world existed before the origin of human beings. The concept of god is emerged from the thoughts of human beings. So, the existence of the “so called gods” started after human beings started to think. So, we can say, gods are created by human beings and not the other way around.  But the universal energy existed even before the origin of human beings. So, the universal energy is beyond the concept of gods of religions. So, if you want to believe in anything, just believe in the universal energy and not on the gods of religions. If you don’t believe in the universal energy, then you should tell me what holds the existence of all these planets and its movements that is in order. Anyway, it is not by the gods of religions, because there is no unanimity in the understanding of your gods. They are all imaginative and surplus with limitations.

But there are human beings those who have the capacity to relate to the universal energy. And that happens only if they can identify themselves as part of the universal energy. So it is time to explore the universal energy in order to be happy. Happiness and peace is just around you in the fields, you just have to connect to it. They are like informations, it is in the network of the fields. Whether you are resilient towards it or not, you are still part of it. You are not actively experiencing it. Just like this informations that I share here. When you start thinking differently, the flow of information changes. You can stay with it or let it go and be inactive again. But when you continue, your informations are refreshed, and new knowledge is linked to you. That is the power of universal energy.

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